PLASMA FIBROBLAST is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that tightens and lifts sagging skin, reduces wrinkles, and improves the texture of the skin.

Close up of a man being treated for saggy eyelids with plasma Fibroblast. Small dots are over his eyelid

What is Plasma Fibroblast?

Plasma Fibroblast treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses a device to deliver a controlled electric arc to the skin, which creates a small burn on the surface of the skin. This controlled burn triggers a natural healing response in the skin, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibres, which also helps break down the scar tissue that causes stretch marks and scars. These elastin fibres are responsible for the skin's elasticity and firmness, which helps to tighten and lift sagging skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and significantly improve the texture of the skin. 

Lady with before and after results of under eye improvement after Plasma Fibroblast
Close up of before and after of belly button area showing improvement with Plasma Fibroblast

What are the benefits of Plasma Fibroblast treatment?

  • Plasma Fibroblast treatment is a safe and effective alternative to surgical procedures such as a facelift. 
  • It is less invasive, requires less downtime, and has fewer risks and complications.
  • The results of the treatment are similar to a surgical facelift, but without the cost and recovery time.

How is Plasma Fibroblast

  • The procedure is performed by a trained and certified technician who uses a handheld device to deliver the electric arc to the skin. The technician moves the device over the treatment area, creating a grid pattern of small burns on the skin. The treatment is typically done in one or several sessions, depending on the size of the treatment area and the desired results. 
Torso stretch marks of lady with magnifying glass on worst area

Frequently Asked Questions

* How does Plasma fibroblast tighten the skin?
Collagen is a protein responsible for maintaining skin's elasticity and firmness. As we age, collagen production naturally decreases, leading to sagging and wrinkles. Plasma fibroblast treatment helps stimulate new collagen formation, which leads to tighter, smoother skin over time.
* What are the benefits of Plasma Fibroblast treatments?
Here are some key advantages of Plasma treatment:
1. Non-invasive and cost-effective: Plasma offers a much less invasive and more affordable alternative to surgical procedures. It avoids the need for incisions or injections, reducing the associated risks and costs.
2. Time-efficient: Compared to surgical interventions, Plasma treatments typically require less time to perform, allowing for quicker sessions and faster recovery periods.
3. Virtually pain-free: The procedure is generally well-tolerated by patients, with minimal discomfort reported during the treatment.
4. Minimal side effects and downtime: Unlike surgery that often involves longer recovery times and potential complications, Plasma treatments have minimal side effects and downtime. Patients can usually resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure.
5. Cost-effective: The cost of Plasma treatments is significantly lower than that of surgical options, making it a more accessible choice for individuals seeking rejuvenation without breaking the bank.
6. Instantly visible natural results: One of the remarkable benefits of Plasma treatment is that it provides instantly visible results that appear natural rather than drastic or artificial in appearance.These advantages make Plasma treatment an attractive option for those seeking non-surgical rejuvenation with efficient results while minimizing risks, discomfort, downtime, and expenses associated with traditional surgery.
* What areas can be treated with Plasma Fibroblast?
Here are the areas that can be effectively treated with Plasma:
1. Non-surgical Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Tightening: This includes addressing concerns such as excess upper eyelid skin and tightening of the lower eyelids.
2. Plasma Face-lift and Plasma Neck-lift: Unwanted wrinkles on the face, including frown lines, crow's feet, smoker's lines, lines and wrinkles around the mouth, as well as neck lines can be targeted for improvement.
3. Skin Pigmentation: Plasma treatment can help reduce skin pigmentation issues such as age spots on the face or hands, sun spots, melasma (also known as chloasma), and freckles.
4. Scarring Improvement: Whether it's stretch marks or acne scars, plasma treatment can contribute to improving their appearance along with post-surgical scars.5. Skin Imperfections: Skin tags and moles are among the skin imperfections that can be addressed through plasma treatment.
6. Stomach Tightening after Pregnancy: For individuals seeking to tighten loose skin on their stomach following pregnancy, plasma treatment offers a non-invasive option.These various applications demonstrate the versatility of plasma treatment in addressing different concerns across multiple areas of the body. Consulting with a qualified professional will help determine how plasma treatment can specifically benefit your unique needs and desired outcomes.
* How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments needed varies depending on several factors, including the specific area being treated, individual conditions, and desired outcomes. In most cases, only one treatment is sufficient. However, for certain areas of the face or body and based on individual circumstances and expectations, one or two additional post-treatments may be recommended. If further treatments are required to achieve optimal results, they can be safely scheduled at intervals of 6 to 8 weeks following the initial procedure. This allows ample time for the skin to heal and respond effectively to each treatment session. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome tailored to your unique needs. Our technician will assess your situation during a consultation and provide personalised recommendations regarding the number of treatments required for your specific case.
* Is the procedure Painful?
The level of discomfort experienced during the procedure can vary depending on individual pain thresholds. While some clients may experience mild discomfort, others may find it more tolerable. To ensure a comfortable experience, we recommend arriving on time for your appointment to allow sufficient time for the topical anesthetic to be applied and take effect in the areas you wish to have treated. The topical anesthetic is typically applied for 30 minutes to ensure optimal effectiveness and minimise any potential discomfort during the procedure. Our priority is to prioritise your comfort throughout the treatment process. You also may buy a tube of Numbing Cream (10% Lidocaine) prior to your treatment, should you wish to numb the area before arrival. 
* Will there be downtime?
The extent of downtime following the procedure can vary depending on your working situation and lifestyle. While you can typically resume your normal work immediately, it's important to note that there may still be some downtime involved. After the treatment, you will notice the formation of "crusts" on the skin, resulting in a distinctive dotting effect. Additionally, significant swelling in the treated area, particularly around the eyes, may occur. However, over a period of 2-5 days, this swelling will gradually diminish. The crusts or brown dots that form will typically disappear between 5-7 days after treatment. It's essential to understand that while these visual effects may require some consideration and attention from a cosmetic standpoint, they do not technically constitute significant downtime if they are not a concern for you personally. Ultimately, it is important to discuss any potential downtime concerns with your provider during your consultation so that you have a clear understanding of what to expect based on your specific circumstances and preferences.
* When will I see visible results?
You can expect to see visible results from the Plasma Fibroblast treatment immediately during the procedure itself. However, the full impact of the treatment becomes even more noticeable around 4 weeks after the initial session. As time progresses, you will continue to experience further improvement in your skin's appearance up to 12 weeks post-treatment. Depending on your skin's healing process and individual needs, follow-up treatments may be recommended after a period of 6 to 8 weeks.
* How long will the results last?
The results of Plasma Skin Tightening are intended to be long-lasting, similar to those achieved through invasive surgical procedures. However, it's important to note that the natural ageing process continues even after Plasma treatment, and as such, the results are not entirely permanent. That being said, you can expect the results of Plasma treatment to last for many years. The duration of these results can vary depending on individual factors such as skin type and lifestyle choices. In general, the effects can last up to two-five years or even longer. 
* Are there any risks/side effects?
Plasma Skin Tightening is generally considered a safe procedure, as it is non-invasive and has been successfully performed on thousands of patients. However, like most cosmetic procedures, there may be some minor side effects that patients can expect to experience within the first 5 to 10 days after treatment. During this time, the treated area will display small brown dotted marks, which are a normal part of the healing process. These marks will naturally shed over the course of 5-10 days. Some individuals may also experience swelling for a period of 3 to 5 days following treatment, particularly in cases involving eyelid treatments. To minimise any potential risks or more serious side effects such as hyper-pigmentation, it is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided prior to your treatment. These guidelines are designed to ensure proper healing and optimal results. Overall, complications associated with Plasma Skin Tightening are rare and the procedure is typically well-tolerated by patients. 

Post Care For Plasma Fibroblast Treatments

Proper post-care is essential to ensure optimal healing and results following Plasma Fibroblast Skin treatments. Here are some general guidelines for post-care:
1. Don't wash the treated area for the first 24 hours, just keep up with aftercare ointment several times a day. 
2. After the first 24 hours, keep the treated area clean: Gently cleanse the treated area with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser and lukewarm water twice a day. Avoid using harsh or scented products that may irritate the skin.
3. Protect the treated area: Apply a thin layer of recommended post-treatment ointment or cream provided by your practitioner to keep the area moisturized and protected. This will help promote healing and prevent infection.
4. Avoid touching or picking at crusts: It is normal for small crusts (brown dots) to form on the skin after treatment. Allow them to naturally shed off without picking or scratching, as this can lead to scarring or infection.
5. Protect from sun exposure: Shield the treated area from direct sunlight for at least two weeks following treatment, as UV rays can hinder healing and cause pigmentation issues. If you must be in the sun, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
6. Avoid excessive heat exposure: Refrain from hot showers, saunas, steam rooms, intense workouts, and activities that may cause excessive sweating for at least five days after treatment.

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0493 177 872
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